Karuna Chellen
Team Lead Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
Karuna has taken a keen interest into Health Inequality and Equity, as well supporting the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion within her team. In 2020 she completed training within her trust to become a Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Ambassador for the trust. as well this, she has started the role of supporting and preparing BAME students from Brunel University for clinical practice.
As part of the NWL ARC Improvement Leader Fellowship, Karuna and Rhia Saggu plan to develop, deliver, evaluate and refine a service and space for BAME staff at ICHT to receive support. This is in the form of health and wellbeing, professional and personal development, conflict resolution and issues pertaining to the workplace. This will take the shape of "drop-in sessions" lead by other BAME ambassadors. This will hopefully signpost staff to relevant support and highlight a learning needs ICHT may have. This will then be reflected and evaluated within the Fellowship project.