Multimorbidity & Mental Health Logo

MeCareNWL: Health & Experiences of NHS and social care staff

Hospital setting
Carer talks to patient
Clinician speaks to younger and older patients

About the MeCareNWL Study

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of all of us working in the NHS and the social care sector, with many of us experiencing major disruption to our work and home lives.

MeCareNWL is a major study of all front-line health and social care workers in North West London, finding out how this pandemic is impacting on the health and wellbeing and whether any interventions to support mental health and wellbeing have been helpful and effective.  Your input will help us understand how better to prepare and support you and your colleagues now and in the future.

Participating NHS Trusts and Local Authorities

NHS Trusts: 

 Local Authorities: 

Primary Care:  

At Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) or Primary Care Network (PCN) level

Taking Part

MeCareNWL is open to anyone over 18 working within a participating NHS Trust or Local Authority in the North-West London Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, in any role.
*Recruitment has now closed*

Available Support

We take your health and wellbeing very seriously, and should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the research team.


The team at Imperial College London is collaborating in this study with colleagues at King’s College London who lead the NHS Check Study on which the MeCare study is based.

 How is the study funded?

This work is organised and currently funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaboration North-West London and the Imperial College London COVID-19 Research Fund.