Vacancies and Opportunities

Current Vacancies and Opportunities

NIHR ARC NWL Knowledge Mobilisation Fellow (30 Months, 0.5 FTE)

The Role  

The Knowledge Mobilisation Fellow will be embedded in local health and care systems, playing a key role in facilitating the use of relevant knowledge in decision-making processes. This iterative, two-way process involves understanding the needs of decision-makers, identifying knowledge ready for implementation, and actively supporting its adoption in practice. Fellows will act as a bridge between research, evidence, and practice, helping to create the conditions for the right people to access the right information at the right time.  

The Person 






How to Apply : 

For more information and to apply visit: 

For more information on how to apply visit:  

Please email:  if you need any assistance with the application process. 

Interviews are expected to be held in the week commencing Monday, 24 March 2025.

For informal enquiries about the position, please contact Professor Rowan Myron, NIHR ARC NWL, Knowledge Mobilisation Co-Lead,  

Children and Young People's Mental Health Survey

Take Part in our Mental Health Engagement Study

We are thrilled to present a Children and Young People's Mental Health Priorities Survey, designed entirely by our Young Advisory Group.

This survey provides young people connected with NWL a unique opportunity to make their voices heard and ensure the research community and UK policymakers recognise their mental health priorities.

Why we need you

The NHS is changing, and to help build a better health service fit for the future, we have created a 2-part survey for all young people in Northwest London to have your say on the important questions in young people’s mental health research and to help us understand access to support - your responses will be shared with decision-makers and will help services become more ‘youth-informed’.

If you are aged 14-25, live, study or are associated with any of the eight Northwest London boroughs and want to have you say, please complete our survey - full details are below.

Who are we? 

We are the Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG), a group of 14-25 year olds from Northwest London who advise on young people’s mental health for a research group and mental health network called the ARC Outreach Alliance (AOA) - a children and young people's mental health research infrastructure, working in association with ARC NWL, funded by the NIHR and at based Imperial College London.

We stand for

Survey Flyer Highlighting information in news story

Survey Details and Instructions

The first part includes short-form questions with a range of yes or no options and rating scales. This section has 12 questions and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.

The second part involves longer, open-ended questions where we would like you to type your thoughts. This section has 10 questions and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Kindly complete *both* parts of the survey so we can get a full picture - the second part can be found at the end of the first survey.

📌 You can access the survey here to take part

Full details, including how your data and anonymity will be protected, can be found within the survey. If you have any other questions or queries, contact or

Multimorbidity & Mental Health Logo

Associated Theme:

This opportunity is associated with our Multimorbidity & Mental Health theme.

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