NIHR ARC NWL Community Health Internship

Illustration of man next to cityscape

Why is it Important?

To ensure direct relevance of the research, engagement and capacity building activities of NIHR ARC NWL to those within northwest London. Working with NHS and social care partners on projects within each of the seven themes of NIHR ARC NWL, the applied nature of this work will ensure that research activities in the themes directly and quickly influences capacity building approaches in the sector in NWL.

Who will Benefit?

We will recruit interns annually. [NHS; Social care/public health; patient/carer] with enough flexibility to accommodate projects and ideas within the themes.

What's Involved?

Working alongside world-leading healthcare researchers, the internship will include - 1 day/month workshop on epidemiology, research methods and academic writing plus access to Global master’s in public health and mentorship from one of the themes. The programme will be delivered through a variety of face to face learning, webinar and presentation recordings, practical case studies, lectures, publication reviews, and group discussions.

The interns will work on and deliver a small project/review/analysis that is directly related to one of 7 themes and on completion present the work via a variety of mediums. 

When does it happen?

The internship will begin at the end of April each year and run annually based on projects from the NIHR ARC NWL Themes.