Collaborative Learning and Capacity Building Logo

Masters in Public Health

Why is it Important?

It is acknowledged that there is a widespread problem in healthcare known as the second translational gap. Despite good work done by researchers around the world, there is a tendency for that knowledge to not translate / change how routine care is delivered. This module sets out to build capacity and capability in students to ensure they have good theoretical and practical skills of methods and frameworks of addressing the second translational gap using quality improvement (QI).

Who will Benefit?

This module is one of the optional modules addressing different aspects of public health that are available to students on the Masters in Public Health course at Imperial College London. Students on the business course from the Imperial Business School are allowed to attend classes if they wish to, but are not assessed. Students on the course are a mix of postgraduate students interested in healthcare quality improvement and clinicians.

What's Involved?

The module is delivered through lectures, group exercises and external guest speakers selected to give practical examples of quality improvement. The training sessions are interactive and students are encouraged to challenge and discuss the content with staff and each other, and to share their experiences of improvement efforts. Each week includes group work, which gives students key information and guidance on tackling a self-selected improvement projects which subsequently leads into the end of module assessment.

When does it happen?

This next cohort to attend this ten-week long module developed by NIHR ARC NWL will start in January 2021 to April 2021.