Natasha Allan
Hand Therapist , Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Natasha has 15 years experience of working in Hand therapy. She has worked in hospitals in Sheffield, Newcastle, East Kent and in a specialist plastics hospital in East Grinstead, co-ordinating with orthopaedic, plastics and rheumatology teams, to help people with hand and wrist injuries, tendinopathies, joint and soft tissue changes and long term conditions.
Since joining Imperial, she has participated in quality improvement projects and learned about the tools and methodology that can be utilised to implement change and to engage those affected by the changes that take place.
During the COVID-19 pandemic patients with Rheumatological conditions had very limited access to hand therapy.
As services are re-established Natasha has identified an opportunity to develop a holistic Hand Therapy pathway for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, which applies the NICE guidelines.
She is working to ensure that all her colleagues are trained with the knowledge and skills to provide a specialised service. Increasing the number of therapists within the team that are able to effectively assess and treat patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis , and with a deeper understanding of the impact of these conditions on every aspect of their lives.
Her pathway aims to utilise a mix of 1:1 consultations and classes to provide individualised programmes that patients can access to obtain splints, education, exercises and tools to self-manage their condition as well as linking them with resources in the community to assist them in continuing to self manage after their outpatient episode has ended.
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