Exploring DEEP: NIHR ARC NWL Introduces Evidence-Enriched Social Care Practices

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On Wednesday, 2 October 2024, the NIHR ARC NWL Social Care Research Capacity Building Programme team hosted an online training session introducing participants to the Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP) approach, developed in Wales.

The two-hour session provided an overview of DEEP, ‘a principle-based approach designed to explore and apply evidence in social care policy and practice development’. The DEEP Approach aligns with the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, and emphasises co-production, starting with ‘what matters’ to people and valuing all forms of evidence. The introduction session covered key principles and practical methods to facilitate a holistic, relational approach to evidence in social care.

Illustration sharing the DEEP Principles: Support everyone’s wellbeing Start with what people know and find interesting Help people make sense of what they learn Share all sorts of knowledge Use stories in learning Be mindful of the context when using evidence Share leadership and decision making Be brave and challenge each other kindly

Nick Andrews, Swansea University, and Professor Fiona Verity, Brunel University, facilitated the training. Thirty-eight participants attended and gained valuable insights into how DEEP can enhance their approach.

"This training should be mandatory for all NHS, Social care and all those working with people -that would be a good start" - Participant Feedback.

DEEP is a relational, co-production  approach to gathering, exploring and using diverse types of evidence in  learning and development using story and dialogue methods. Three stages of DEEP  Stage 1: Prepare the ground (create the right environment for learning and  development)  Stage 2: Gather and prepare the seeds (gather and present diverse types of  evidence)  Stage 3: Sow and grow the seeds ( explore and apply evidence in context)

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Prevention in Social Care – Research and Practice Online Seminar advert banner - 26th Feb 2025 - subscribe to keep informed

On Wednesday 26 February 2025 (10-12am), we will be hosting a Research and Practice Online Seminar titled ‘Prevention in Social Care’. Further details will be shared on our Events Page, but please mark the date for what promises to be an engaging and informative seminar.

For updates on the Social Care Research Capacity Building Programme including upcoming events, news, training and conferences, please subscribe to our mailing list.

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Ella Kennedy.

Associated Theme:

This opportunity is associated with Social Care.