Bridging the Gap: Strengthening Social Care Through Research in Northwest London

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Northwest London (NWL), in collaboration with Brunel University, is leading a Social Care Research Capacity Building Programme. Over a two-year period, it aims to strengthen capacity-building initiatives in social care research.

The programme is about closing the gaps between the research needed for enriching social care, the research that happens, and how research is used in practice. The overall aim is to enhance the role of research in contributing to a stronger evidence base for social care. The programme will work across adult social care, children’s social care, community-based and family care support, covering all age groups across the life course.

Read about our project's 3 strategic objectives below:

Social Care Research Capacity Building Programme key priorities. Downloadable
Professor Fiona Verity Profile Photo

In Conversation with Fiona Verity

 To gain deeper insight into the Social Care Research Capacity Building Programme, we spoke with Professor Fiona Verity, ARC NWL Programme Lead and Professor in the Division of Social Work at Brunel University. With extensive experience in social care research and a background in community development, Professor Fiona Verity is at the forefront of this initiative. In this interview, Professor Verity explains why the programme is crucial and what she and her team aim to achieve.

What do you consider to be the top challenges faced in the social care landscape in 2024? 

 To single out the top challenges is difficult, as there are so many interconnected matters to be dealt with. However, there are many positive and empowering things that happen in social care every day. Social care is a term inclusive of various areas of care and support. Thinking across the social care sector as a whole, what comes to my mind is a need for public policy, financing and social change that:

How has the social care landscape evolved in the last few years?

Many of the challenges faced across the wider social care sector have extensive historical roots. This was made plain during the COVID-19 pandemic, with impacts deeply experienced and commented upon widely.

How do you think we can make a real difference going forward? 

The project will work to increase how people engaged with social care can better use the findings from research, as well as support research developments that are relevant to the provision of social care. Research that gets to the heart of what is needed and can support insights and change, done with the people for whom it matters, and communicated to where it can influence change.

What are your key areas of focus for the next 1-2 years?

With a team and the advice of an Expert Panel, we are working with partners in an NIHR Social Care Research Capacity Building Project in North West London. This is one of many similar NIHR projects funded across the country.

 Our focus is to build on and support current activities animating social care research, and sow seeds that can strengthen research cultures and developments over time. To date, the project has funded a local authority practitioner research capacity position, begun a series of skill development events, supported social care practitioners with research ideas and in linking to current research.

 Why is social care important? Why is this project important?

 Research is part of an evidence base for social care, alongside lived experience, practitioner wisdom, and organisational knowledge that can support change and improvements.

Eleanor Roosevelt in writing of peace once said ‘It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it’. For me, these words have resonance for social care. We need to talk, believe and work at improving social care… the right research can help achieve this.

With the programme underway, Professor Verity and her team are committed to learning and developmental processes that support improved social care outcomes.

Stay in the Know - Upcoming events  and Mailing List

In the coming months, there will be a range of conferences, seminars and training events on the calendar, and much more news to share. Join our mailing list to receive the latest Social Care Research Capacity Building Programme updates, including upcoming events and opportunities. 

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If you would like to get in touch about the programme, please email Ella Kennedy.

Associated Theme:

This opportunity is associated with Social Care.